Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Business Dinner

Last night I went out for my first proper “business dinner”. We have clients over from Bermuda and they took all the people who work on the Syndicate out to dinner. We went to Chez Gerard which is some posh French place (obviously). I had goats cheese salad to start and steak to follow. The salad was really nice and so was the steak. Although it was still too well done to be called ‘rare’ and the chips were those little hard ones. I’m more a soggy chip shop chip girl than a French fries lover. Having nothing remotely chocolaty on the desert menu I just had an espresso. Which only managed to keep me awake until Chatham when I feel asleep and didn’t wake up until just before my stop. I finally got home at 20 past midnight – way too late for a school night and still have to be polite to the guests who are still here today when all I want to do is snooze at my desk until home time!

Here's some more photos that I've taken...

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