Friday, May 25, 2007

Ok Here we go...

Right then.

I've never had a blog before so this is all very new and exciting. I was never interested in the whole "blog revolution" thing and frankly did not see the point!

However, I have been reading mum's (yizzsyawn) recently after she sent me a link so I could see her photography course photos. (Very nice they are too) and it got me thinking. Her reasons for writing a blog seemed great - basically to remind her what she had done the previous week as she has trouble remembering. Her eldest daughter (me) has exactly the same problem with her memory as mum does.

Plus part of this useless memory stuff is that we forget to tell each other things. I have been reading her blog so I know what she's been up to lately and for when she forgets to tell me important stuff like she has an interview today! So I've set up a blog so she can read mine and I won't have to remember to tell her important things that I'm bound to forget and get me in trouble! We may never have to actually speak to each other again! But let's hope not. There's nothing better than to talking to your mummy, no matter how old you are!

So although this blog is mainly for mum, and I guess nan and granddad will hop on the bandwagon when he gets his computer sorted I also want it for me. I am hopeless at keeping a diary although I loved reading all the old entries.

Here it goes then. My first entry. Wow. I suppose I'll have to learn all the little tricks like photos and links and things but just writing will do for now!

1 comment:

Yizz said...

Sorreeew, forgot to tell you about the interview, but at least now we can communicate! LOL
Glad you're enjoying my blog.