Tuesday, March 13, 2018


After leaving all the snow behind in Chicago I did not expect to be plummeted back into it a week or so later. This is definitely the worse snow we have had in Whitstable for a few years and hung around for the whole week.

Ollie managed to get into work all of the week apart from Wednesday when all of his routes were blocked and he gave up and turned around and came home. His 4 wheel drive proved excellent in the snow and he had no problems whatsoever. I went to work on Thursday and had no trouble until I arrived at the work carpark. They hadn't even tried to clear it and my little car couldn't cope with the amount of snow so I had to get out and dig myself a parking space with some help from the security guard.

Eventually seeing how many people had tried to get in they got someone with a Toyota Hilux with a snowplough attachment to come clear it, who didn't do a brilliant job (I still had to dig myself out of my space) so I made a run for it at 2 before we got any more snow. Friday we had freezing rain which was the most bizarre thing ever as it stuck to all the back windows, making it look like we had frosted glass in all the windows.

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