Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So far so good

My cat defences seem to be working ok, there has not been any digging in the vegetable patch.

However, last night a snail ate 5 of my broccoli seedlings. The guilty party was hurled half way down the garden in my anger. Ollie said this was a little harsh but I don't think so!

Ollie is now convinced that I don't actually want to grow any vegetables, I just wanted something new that I can complain about!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Garden part 3

Although the weather hasn't been as nice this week meaning we were unable to get out and finish the rest of the fence and the decking, spring seems to have fully arrived. My tulips are blooming and my japanese maple has lots of leaf buds. Although my daffodils don't seem to want to flower yet.

My vegetables are coming along nicely in the greenhouse and some of the seeds that I planted last week are beggining to grow.

The ant-cat measures last week failed miserably! They had even managed to dig underneath the plastic tunnel. So this week I have increased the defences with some heavy duty netting, lots of tent pegs and some twine. I'm still not sure how I'm going to weed, or harvest my crop yet, but at least they should get a chance to actually grow now!

The other half of the vegetable patch has also been dug ready for the plants out of the greenhouse and I do have some more netting for then too!

Garden part 2

Last weekend we were so busy! We've almost finished the fences apart from the part around the decking that Ollie scrubbed and cleaned. It looks really nice and clean now and ready to be painted.

We also bought and sprayed the edging for the flowerbed. We also fitted it on Sunday just before mum, dad, nan and grandad came for tea and cakes.

I had to buy a new greenhouse for all the seeds I needed to plant to put in the flowerbed.

My vegetables are doing nicely and I've got little plants growing in all my vegetable trays.

I spent ages digging half of my vegetable patch, sieving and raking up all the stones, weeds and stinging nettle roots. I did find lots of very juicy worms as well! I then planted carrots, cauliflower, spring onion, spinach, beetroot, swede, courgette and sweetcorn. I then put up some anti-cat devices (cds, cans and things that jinge)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Garden


A couple of weeks ago we decided to finally paint the fences. I don't think that they've ever been done before and they were looking a bit grey.

We had decided on a Ronseal colour but Homebase and Focus didn't have any. Focus did have one of their own brands in a similar colour on buy-one-get-one-free. So we got 2 tins and set to work. It took us all day to paint 10 panels with one coat (they need 2 coats) and we were exhausted afterwards. We also used one whole tin. (We have about 40 odd fence panels) So last weekend I was back off to Focus to get some more tins while they were still on offer, but they had been discontinued! I did discover that they did the sprayable version also on BOGOF.

2 Sunday mornings later and we've done both coats on the top half of the garden and one coat on the rest of the garden apart from by the decking as we need to do that first. It's so much easier and quicker with the spray! It looks really good already.

Green Fingers?

My seeds are doing ok, and I planted out my petunias in the flowerbed after putting down anti-weed matting. I will have some woodchip down once the rest of the flowerbed is planted and we've just ordered the edging for the flowerbed.

My vegetable seeds are also growing very well. I have broccoli, cabbage and lettuce poking their heads up in the greenhouse and my chilli plants just about starting to grow in the spare room.

I also have some nice spring bulbs flowering.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Midweek Football

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to be invited to spend the evening at White Heart Lane in an executive box to watch Spurs v Middlesborough all expenses paid!

The comany that are providing software for my company have a box in the West stand just by the half way line right behind the dugouts.

We had drinks and sheherds pie before the match which was very yummy. The view of the match from the box was amazing. The only downside was that we were behind a window so the atmosphere was a little muted. We still joined in with some of the chanting, except the one which goes you're support is ******* **** (My Finance Director was there and the bonuses haven't been signed off yet!!!!)

Plus we won 4-0 so all in all it was a pretty good evening!

I spent a little too long in the shop meaning we had to run for our train at Victoria but I finally got my stripy scarf!

The pictures aren't very good, as all I had was my phone camera and the floodlights were reflecting on our window.