Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Exam Pass!

I PASSED MY EXAM!!!!!!! Wooooooooooooo! I got 80%

I took my ACCA 1.1 exam this morning. It was a computer based one at the BPP centre in Maidstone. I was the only one there doing an exam! They have changed the syllabus so I have to pass the 2 modules I have been studying by the end of September. That's the first one done I have to do the second one on the 26th.

I was waiting in the common room as I was there a bit early when I heard a scream and the door flew open. It was a lady that worked there and she had got the bloke in reception to rescue her from a huge spider. Obviously he hadn't wanted to kill it so he had it on a tissue and threw it out the window. Unfortunately the centre is on the High Street and he went pale white turned away from the window quick and gasped "there was someone walking underneath!" This lady and I couldn't stop laughing, his face was a picture!

Work give me some money for passing an exam, so I'm just waiting for mum and then I'm off out to the Paper Mill in Chatham for some cardstock for Christmas cards. I will probably get Ollie a present (but not from the paper mill!)

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