Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Old friends

Saturday morning I met up with Tiffany, a friend of mine from Primary school. We haven’t seen each other for almost 8 years. We lost touch when we went to Uni and only recently ‘found’ each other again on Facebook.
We met up for a cup of tea and chatted for a while and then she came over to see mum and Nan and Grandad with me and chatted some more. It was so fantastic to meet up after all this time. I was so excited Saturday morning it felt like Christmas day!
I was then inspired to go home and I laid the last 2 whole tiles in the bathroom and grouted all the floor that we’ve done so far. I also put up 2 clocks that had been sitting in the spare room for a couple of months. So progress with the decorating has finally been made! The floor looks really good and we’re hoping to do the last 4 floor tiles at the weekend. Then we will be able to put the bath panel on!


Yizz said...

Yay!! Amazing what a bit of sibling rivallry will do LOL

Kelly Matthews said...

Nothing to do with sibling rivalry. It was being disgraced by Tiffy as she did her whole flat herself!!!